
A city held hostage

Bombay is being held hostage by terrorists. This started about ten hours ago and is not over (now it is more than 24 hrs, ...now 50 hrs. and still on (updated)). How long? Why us? How come a city of over a crore people has become a hostage to a handful of AK-47 wielding weasels? And why do things like this keep happening over and over again?

A city teeming with people all over, is a very soft target for terrorists if there is not enough security in place. But why is there no security in place? The police force is there, right? It is indeed, but it is invisible on roads as its men and women are busy playing cards, cracking jokes or simply taking a nap in cool comforts of their cabins. These men and women become lethargic as soon as they come under the umbrella of secure lifelong government job. Compounded by the fact that many of these have gained a backdoor entry by paying hefty sums for getting this job, they think it is now their time to enjoy rather than take responsibility which comes with this all important job.

Hey, I know it is very easy to point fingers, very easy to complain rather than to do. And I know anyone can write stuff criticising about how lethargic and corrupt the govt officials have become who are awakened for a few moments by incidents of this ginormous scales, only to go back to their previous state of carelessness. But this is what seems to be what actually is the case. I might not be contributing to safety of the city by scribbling out here but the Police, It is their job. Isn't it? Then why are we caught up in moments like these time and again? Delhi saw it only two months back, and Bombay itself experienced it just a couple years back. Now again? When will we learn?

Nevertheless the courage shown by security forces, the Commandos, the Army, after the attacks started is simply great. All tribute to those bravehearts! And no doubt Bombay will bounce back soon, business will go on as usual and the city streets will again be teeming with people all over struggling for survival in this vibrant city. It should not be seen as the indifference of people in general. But the police force surely needs a reality check as far as remaining vigilant at all times is concerned. Things like this can be avoided or at least the scale of terror can be scaled down if the police is half as sincere and upto it's job as the Commandos are.

People cannot be expected to lay down their lives each time because somewhere some police personnel has been taking a nap when he/she should be keeping a close vigil on the marketplace nearby. Remember the movie, A Wednesday.